Woke up at 930am and took my dogs out, it was around 70 degrees outside. Brought the dogs in and did some house work, the GF is out of town and I am responsible for keeping this place clean. About 1 the temp was 75 degrees out, locked up the dogs and tore off on my bike. Drove up and down the lake front and found some very cool parks where I hung out in the shade and just plain old enjoyed the beautiful day.
I then got off at an exit that I had never used before, and there I found the most awesome on ramp ever. It has a long right banking turn which goes into a pretty decently long strigth away, I hit the turn with some speed then when all out on the straight away.
This has been my perfect day, now I am sitting down enjoying a beer with a huge grin on my face. Now all I need to do is install this rear brake caliper
