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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #75 on: June 29, 2010, 08:57:55 PM »
Okay, Lloyd.  Once again, into the fray.  I'm not sure where to start.  But, I'll try to answer these remarks without quoting.

1.  I have never used any "rhetoric", or spewed any anti gun comments.
2.  "Self deprecating"?  Insulting you for expressing your opinion?  I never insulted you or anyone else here.
3.  No.  I was not foaming at the mouth when I stated a FACT that there is a great debate regarding gun control.
4.  No.  I wasn't jumping to a conclusion by calling that guy a moron.  He handed a loaded weapon to a child.  And got shot.  He is a moron.  Or was.  We don't know if he lived.
5.  That long list is 3.  One Senator, and two Congressmen.  The rest were journalists and lobbyists, or state officials, which the Supreme Court last week and last year struck down the only 2 real local attempts at some kind of gun control.  Which, BTW, might have helped some of those victims in D.C. last Saturday.
6.  See #4.  I only specifically called someone a moron when they deserved it.  I then generalized by saying that it might be a good idea to keep guns away from people like that (morons).  And I didn't mean ignorant.  Ignorant would mean that the guy didn't know it was a bad idea to hand a child a weapon.  Only a moron would not know this.  I'm not even going into how you think the government and the media are plotting to keep Americans ignorant.  But yes, I do think education is a good idea, but bringing guns into the schools is probably not a good idea.
7.  I only think that we should seek to restrict/deny morons from owning guns.  I think that now, and when I owned guns.  Pretty much always.  And if I have to get a note from  psychologist/psychiatrist to get another gun someday, so be it.  I can live with that.  It's a shame that those Virginia Tech students can't live with that.
8.  Who cares what you think?  Even people that were on your side are stepping back because you've jumped off the edge.
9.  You've read what I've written, and jumped to conclusions.  Because there's no rhetoric in my comments.  Then you take a few comments made by individuals and turned those comments into the Democratic platform.  Which Merriam Webster defines as:
2 : a declaration of the principles on which a group of persons stands; especially :  a declaration of principles and policies adopted by a political party or a candidate
Find a anti gun platform on any real Democratic Party website, and I'll shut up.  Not a lobbyist website, but a true party site.
9.  ?? I never called anyone a moron based solely on the basis of gun ownership.
10. Really?  You saw the same 40 seconds we all did, and you didn't think "What a moron"?  He shot the gun into the air(stupid) and then handed it to what looks like a 6 year old, who then shot HIM (even stoopider).
11. I have to quote here.
The purpose of a gun is to enforce the wielder's will upon someone or something else.
So, in your world, we're having this discussion in person, and you'll whip out your gun to enforce your will upon me?  Nice.
12. Absolutely none of those "facts" disprove your first statement that "60 million U.S. gun owners didn't kill someone today".  So if we take Micks number that he found, it should be "Of the 60 million U.S. gun owners, 59,918 didn't kill someone today".

And finally, I don't hate you either.  But you do have too much hate in your life.
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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #76 on: June 30, 2010, 05:48:01 AM »
I prefer mayonnaise to miracle whip.

miracle whip tastes like expired mayonnaise.
everything I say is pure speculation and
I have no idea what I'm talking about  ._.

                                    Marla              .:71CB750:.CAFE

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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #77 on: June 30, 2010, 05:59:56 AM »
Only you, Brian.
Go metric, every inch of the way!

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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #78 on: June 30, 2010, 06:04:19 AM »
You mean you prefer miracle whip?
     You know it's salad dressing right?
Wait a minute...        This isn't the SSDB.
             Sorry everybody, I'ma just go over there and start over.
everything I say is pure speculation and
I have no idea what I'm talking about  ._.

                                    Marla              .:71CB750:.CAFE

Offline Inigo Montoya

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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #79 on: June 30, 2010, 07:01:08 AM »
Should we put another nail in the "democrats take away guns" argument?
DC and now chicago no longer have handgun bans. NO additional gun controls have been put into place since Obama took over. I fact, we have GAINED more gun rights since he did.
Is this a good thing? Hard to say. Every death is bad of course but what about the lives they potentially save? It is hard to quantify that as they are not dead and of course no proof they would have been dead. My point was merely that tt was wrong on this assumption.

Mayo is oily spooge!

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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #80 on: June 30, 2010, 07:08:00 AM »

I like guns. I think it's the mechanical aspect of them more than anything.
everything I say is pure speculation and
I have no idea what I'm talking about  ._.

                                    Marla              .:71CB750:.CAFE

Offline Inigo Montoya

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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #81 on: June 30, 2010, 07:14:31 AM »
Yeah it is cool to see how certain models work. Some are so simple, some almost impossible to rebuild.

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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #82 on: June 30, 2010, 08:02:52 AM »
I prefer mayonnaise to miracle whip.

miracle whip tastes like expired mayonnaise.

Yeah, what he ^^^ said..... ;)
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Offline TwoTired

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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #83 on: June 30, 2010, 11:33:24 AM »
5.  That long list is 3.  One Senator, and two Congressmen.  The rest were journalists and lobbyists, or state officials, ...
All professed Democrats loyal to the cause and who have close influence over the laws created...
You asked where Democrats said they wanted to take the guns away and claimed no one did.   False, I showed you.  You can no longer honestly say that the intent doesn't exist within your preferred party.

...which the Supreme Court last week and last year struck down the only 2 real local attempts at some kind of gun control.  
Yes, laws were stricken that were put in place by >>>Democrats<<<.
"Only 2" ..???  Have you had your head buried in the sand the last 30 years?  Lower courts have also struck down many many anti-gun laws elsewhere in the country that were put in place by and large by...

California now has the distinction of the most Draconian and nonsensical laws in the nation.  And, it got this way under Democratic Party control.  To perpetuate a lie that democrats are NOT an anti-gun party is simply preposterous.  If the economy was better, we'd have a spate of new anti-gun laws today.  But, the people are already in an unhappy mood.

I then generalized by saying that it might be a good idea to keep guns away from people like that (morons).  
Please elaborate on how you think that should be done without violating civil rights.

7.  I only think that we should seek to restrict/deny morons from owning guns.  
Please elaborate on how you think that should be done without violating civil rights.

8.  Who cares what you think?  Even people that were on your side are stepping back because you've jumped off the edge.
It must give you great comfort to imagine it that way, and believe you are taking the "high road".  (Still on the soapbox, I see.)
I think if anyone is stepping back, it's because none of this bickering matters.  You are set in your ways, and without a logical argument, you aren't changing mine.

 Then you take a few comments made by individuals and turned those comments into the Democratic platform.  Which Merriam Webster defines as:
2 : a declaration of the principles on which a group of persons stands; especially :  a declaration of principles and policies adopted by a political party or a candidate
Find a anti gun platform on any real Democratic Party website, and I'll shut up.  Not a lobbyist website, but a true party site.

It used to be there.  But, after the clinton administration and a democratic controlled congress rammed the "Assault Weapons ban" down the throats of America (among other anti-gun legislation), and then lost big time in the next elections, the Democratic Candidates removed the gun issue from their platforms and refused to debate it openly because they knew it was a sure way to lose elections.  It worked, and the the Dems regained control.  (Perhaps more than 50% of the voters are morons that would hand a loaded gun to a child.)  ;D 
Anyway, now you have to look at a candidate's past voting records to see how they treat an issue or discover their true attitudes about an issue, because the modern politician has the ability to look right into the camera lens and lie with conviction (regardless of party affiliation).  Personally, I tend to mistrust those who say one thing but do another, or proceed in a clandestine manner.

9.  ?? I never called anyone a moron based solely on the basis of gun ownership.
The implication was most certainly there.  Whether you wish to admit it or not.

10. Really?  You saw the same 40 seconds we all did, and you didn't think "What a moron"?  He shot the gun into the air(stupid) and then handed it to what looks like a 6 year old, who then shot HIM (even stoopider).
I do heartily agree that the behavior in the video was abhorrent.  But, the term moron means there was infererior-intelligence in the party in question.  Being Homo-Sapien, he has the same basic intelligence as the rest of us (assumed equality).  I do believe his knowledge base is at a whole different level, possibly closer to what the child has in the arena of gun handling.
Unless you have the god-like powers you believe you have, it is totally impossible for you to know his intelligence level simply by watching the video.  You are reasonably shocked by the video, understandable.  To pass judgment on his intelligence is beyond reason.  Is that also what it means to be a democrat, the ability to pass judgment before all the relevant facts are observed?

11. I have to quote here.
The purpose of a gun is to enforce the wielder's will upon someone or something else.
So, in your world, we're having this discussion in person, and you'll whip out your gun to enforce your will upon me?  Nice.
Nice dreamy projection on your part, implying that I'm the evil villain.  (Perhaps you really ARE pious.)  But, to answer your nonsense...
In a verbal argument, no.  Only when it is apparent that you will do me bodily harm or will do something other than continued nasty comments.
If your will is to do me bodily harm, yes I'll whip out my gun to change your will.  Don't worry, you can still hurl your obscenities at me from afar.

12. Absolutely none of those "facts" disprove your first statement that "60 million U.S. gun owners didn't kill someone today".  

So if we take Micks number that he found, it should be "Of the 60 million U.S. gun owners, 59,918 didn't kill someone today".
Why would we take Mick's numbers?  Because he is "on your side", perhaps?
Anyway, please explain your math.  Looks like continued nonsense.  (or, at the very least, the loss of three decimal places, another democratic trait usually applied to money management.  ;D)

But you do have too much hate in your life.
Again with the god like powers. (Off topic, as well.)  Is it now fair for me to proclaim to everyone just what your life is like?  I can do fiction as well as fact when appropriate.  I have time.

But, if I do (by your standards) have too much hate in my life, it is fully balanced with all the love. ;D

I wonder Stan, when was the last time you rode your bike? 

Lloyd... (SOHC4 #11 Original Mail List)
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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #84 on: June 30, 2010, 12:20:49 PM »
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!Shut up shut up shut up.Peanut butter and bacon.MMMMMM.Personally,I got tired of guns after war and seeing many many dead people.I just didnt want one anymore,sure there were times back home in my bad neighborhood I actually had to pull it out and defend myself,luckily I never had to actually pull the trigger.And everytime I did I called the cops to tell them I am pointing my piece at someone can you please come and resolve this,which they did,quickly.I have since improved my life and do not put myself in those situation s anymore(or neighborhoods)I am too tired for that kind of adventure,or "action".I also think is it really an infringement on our "rights"to make laws regarding Assault weapons?Do you really need a 50 caliber sniper rifle to go hunting?Or an AK or AR15 for that matter.Its quite obvious who the gun nuts are.
its better to regret something you have done,than something you havent.Except playing with explosives.

Offline TwoTired

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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #85 on: June 30, 2010, 01:37:53 PM »
I also think is it really an infringement on our "rights"to make laws regarding Assault weapons?
Do you really need a 50 caliber sniper rifle to go hunting?Or an AK or AR15 for that matter.Its quite obvious who the gun nuts are.
It's quite obvious who the misinformed are, too.  Or, who wishes to define what a hunter's needs are.

Myth: Nobody needs an assault weapon
Fact: Recall the Rodney King riots in that anti-gun city of Los Angeles. Every major
news network carried footage of Korean storeowners sitting on the roofs of their stores,
armed with “assault weapons.”30 Those were the stores that did not get burned to the
ground, and those were the people that were not dragged into the street and beaten by
rioters. “You can’t get around the image of people shooting at people to protect their
stores and it working. This is damaging to the [gun control] movement.”31
Fact: There are many reasons people prefer to use these firearms:
• They are easy to operate
• They are very reliable in outdoor conditions (backpacking, hunting, etc.)
• They are accurate
• They are good for recreational and competitive target shooting
• They have value in many self-defense situations
Fact: There are many sports in which these firearms are required:
• Many hunters use these firearms
• Three-gun target matches
• Camp Perry competitions, especially the Service Rifle events
• DCM/CMP competitions
• Bodyguard simulations
Fact: Ours is a Bill of Rights, not a Bill of Needs.

30 - Washington Post, May 2, 1992
31 - Josh Sugarmann, executive director of the Violence Policy Center, Washington Post, May 18, 1993

If we follow the path of only allowing those with a demonstrated need to own a particular item, which motorcycles do you feel should be banned from the public?

Further, many confuse "assault weapons" with machine guns.  The "assault weapon" label was a tool to widen the restriction of more guns.  It doesn't matter that they actually function the same way as any other gun.  Nobody likes "assaults" so the negative connotation worked well for the gun banner's cause to convince the ignorant.  Go ahead, ask yourself what makes an "assault weapon" any different than a browning hunting rifle as below?  Remember, machine guns have been highly restricted since 1934.

I am a "freedom nut"  Who thinks guns are a part of that freedom.  Lot's of people died for freedom's cause.  I can, at least, speak up for maintaining that freedom.

Lloyd... (SOHC4 #11 Original Mail List)
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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #86 on: June 30, 2010, 02:13:07 PM »
do you know how many Freedoms we just lost with the last administration?
its better to regret something you have done,than something you havent.Except playing with explosives.

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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #87 on: June 30, 2010, 02:30:57 PM »
What's up with this term "rammed down the throat"?
I keep hearing this term repeated over and over by right-leaning politicians, pundits, and media when discussing, well, almost anything.

I'm really curious about the right's oral fixation.   ::)  :-*

Oh, and I like guns.   ;) ;D
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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #88 on: June 30, 2010, 02:39:52 PM »
Once again...

Mayors?  Journalists?  The only influence journalists have over politicians is when they expose them.  Lobbyists?  Way too much influence.  But the right will always stop any attempt to quell that.  And I doubt seriously that any state AG even knows a Senator or Congressman.

Would a simple background check violate civil rights?  Or maybe some sort of licensing of an individual as proof of some level of skill?  How about some instructional classes before allowing ownership?  And don't confuse civil rights with 2nd amendment rights.

You're right in that none of our bickering matters.  But people are stepping back because you're making some fairly rabid comments.  And some wild ones, too.  Like "it used to be there", referring to the Democratic platform to take away all our guns?  I gotta call BS on that one.  Or that somehow I've "certainly implied all gun owners are morons" because I called that guy one?  Puhlease!

From Merriam Websters:
Etymology: irregular from Greek mōros foolish, stupid
2 : a very stupid person

Yes.  Inferior intelligence.  Absolutely.  You seem to want to defend this moron after witnessing very stupid actions.  I think you mean "IQ".  Probably another reason why people on your side are stepping back.

This one kills me. Maybe even literally.

In a verbal argument, no.  Only when it is apparent that you will do me bodily harm or will do something other than continued nasty comments.

Or until you loose your temper.

And I'll take Mick's numbers any day over yours.  But I don't need anybody's numbers to know that "60 million gun owners didn't kill anyone today" is way wrong.

And finally, the hate shown by you is evident in the comments you have made here.  You want to proclaim what my life is by my comments, feel free.
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Offline Bob Wessner

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Re: Ultimate gun control, or not!
« Reply #89 on: June 30, 2010, 03:38:35 PM »
Despite coming up from time to time, these debates about firearms always head in the same direction with no resolution or agreement, so I'm locking it.
We'll all be someone else's PO some day.