I Grew up in Peterborough ON. and don't recall Confed Day, interesting! Another thing that could be said that makes us "Canadian" we're so spread out that we have different dialects, haw haw
It was a nice holiday. Nice to see that Parliament hill crowd expanded by 30,000 over normal. By that and this discussion it is encouraging to see that we appreciate what we have.
Schmthaus, thank you. and have a great 4th! God Bless America!
Actually, to tell the truth, I only vaguely remember the day being called "Confederation Day". However, at a pub in Mount Albert last Tuesday, our team came second in the trivia contest and one of the questions that we successfully answered was: "What are the three names that the 1st of July has been known as?" The answer was: Dominion Day, Canada Day, and Confederation Day.