Yeah, I know, it's not supposed to be here where all the traffic is BUT I'm close to starting the build so please just give me a few days before you move it BOB

Thank you.
I need 2 parts
specific for the 75 or 76 CB750F fork legs and I need 2 of each:
Pipe, Lower Honda item 51430-
392-003. This is apparently the fork oil regulating mechanism and was specific to these 2 years. This is the, well, lower pipe in the fork with, I'm assuming, holes of a specific nature for the early F.
Piece, Oil Locking Honda item 51432-390-003. This was specific to both the 75 & 76 550F and 750F.
I have all the other parts to build new forks and I am trying to not take apart my original forks to rape and pillage them.