Hello gentlemen! I'm finally starting this thread after a year of starts and stops, successes and failures...delays...
Anyway...last year I bought (for way too much money) a '71 CB750 Cafe. I bought it on FeeBay out of state...

But I knew I'd make some changes here and there, nothing major. But boy was I WRONG...!! After it was delivered from 1500 Miles away I noticed something that was UNACCEPTABLE. What you can't see in the pics is that the red frame has PURPLE METAL FLAKE in it. I'd even go so far as to say it was GLITTER. Needless to say I just spent $2000 on a bike I now had to tear down.
Commence tear down...

Sold the tank and the tail...

Sold the chrome airbox...

Sold the gauges...

The old exhaust was just UGLY!! Got in a USED 4 into 2 exhaust... (I like the look better)

They cleaned up...good as new!! Easy-off oven cleaner and steel wool...works miracles.

Then I get the bright idea (from a fellow forum member) to lengthen the swing arm. Goodbye stock swingarm...hello 1980 DOHC CB750 Swingarm!!

I mocked it up with a stock tank and new cafe tail. Just to get a feel for where it was headed.

Then I realized I hated the stock oil tank. And if the oil tank had to go...so did the electrical. So I shaved the tabs and chopped the rear A-frame cross brace. Then I mocked it up again.