Had a WIRED WEEKEND!! My brother came into town and we spent the weekend hold up in the garage wiring my bike. It turned out pretty badass!! Here's a recap...
I studied the existing wiring harness before beginning.

And the tail mount plans begin... Did some light fabbing to the original mounting bracket to fit on the tail section.

New R/R unit and Solenoid...but kept the original fuse box just cuz...mounted up perfectly.

3am...too buzzed to solder.

Drilled a 1.5" hole w/ rubber grommet to run wires out of the rear section.

At little birdie decided to land on the floor of the garage at our feet...hung out for a while and then disappeared.

The tail section all finished...moving foward...

Under the tank...forgot to get a pic of it all harnessed up...

Getting everything into the headlight bucket.

Fitting the tail section over the electrical.

Fitting the headlight.

Haven't mounted the lights yet...but tested the system and no problems. Can't test charging system till I get it running.

Fuel lines and exhaust...then I'll start it up!!