Of course there are buttheads who drive motorcycles. I don't believe these BHs are brand specific. The motorcycle community isn't without arrogance. I'd bet some even ride SOHC4s. But, I don't know any.

However, I can imagine a scenario where the BH in question was partially justified.
Let's say a newbee is taking it slow in traffic and an experience guy who moves through traffic at a much faster rate comes up behind the newb. The polite thing to do would be to move over and let the trailing MC pass. If the newb continues to block, it frustrates the trailing rider about as much as it would if a cage driver was blocking the path.
If the Newb still has the typical cager mentality, he'll assume he should stay in front cause he was there first and all others can stay behind.
If I am holding up traffic, I generally get out of the way, even when lane splitting. I rather expect others to do that, too. But, it seems to be a courtesy dying out as the older generation does.
Anyway, if you were blocking the path with disregard for those behind, you may be lucky you just got the finger.
Yes, newb's should drive slower. No, they shouldn't demand others drive at their pace.
Then again, there are Buttheads everywhere. And the sooner the newb realizes that ALL other drivers on the road are trying to kill him, regardless of vehicle type, the better the chances of long term survival.
Yes, there may be only one in ten thousand that wants you dead. But, it only takes one to ruin your blissful ride. It'll be the one you didn't respect, or assumed would yield to you.