a little more progress, rebuilt the front forks. sanded them down with 300 grit wet sand paper. then buffed with with rouge. looked good. i then sanded them with 600 wet sand paper. looked a little better, but i probably could have stopped at the last buffing. I've read everywhere that you should bust it down in stages, and it will look better, but i was quite pleased. ill used some aluminum polish before i slide em into the frame.
my goal is to have a rolling chassis before my baby boy Jack is born in the next couple weeks. next up, clean my already kinda clean wheels, paint the insides of the rotors, and try to build one working rear brake setup out of two non working assemblies. Its nice to actually see things materialize.
also at the bottom is a pic of my dads recently refreshed 750 K0. new paint, tapered bearings, stainless brake hoses, and more.