this may be true raul - my point is, i've been using the SOHC4 Forum search. not sure how many of you guys are doing this - it's a very specific string of words with the Ebay tricks built in - though I'm not an expert in the search tricks, I've gotten used to using this as my default search unless shopping for a specific item for my year model 750.
unless a mod has altered the text of the search then it hasn't changed, and yet the results are producing more hits. A lot more. I have noticed that there are more DOHC items coming up now and you're right, Raul, there are also other bikes leaking in as well. Let the buyer beware! - especially the newbies among us, better do your own research into the part you need
Do we need to refine the search string? Maybe it isn't *that* broken...
just some thoughts...
Steve, what's a "free listing" day??? that is what is going on i bet!
it seems to be across the board, though, no?
junkie out.