the past 8 days.

Long story short. The MIL came up for 3 weeks to help out my wife with our 9week old twin GIRLS (and our 4 and 7year old BOYS) long as wifey is happy.

the help soon dissapeared. opinions on how we SHOULD parent came frequently.
and the last straw.... my wife left to get groceries. 30 min trip, no biggie. both my boys were watching tv before bed. i had both girls and they were fussy. no prob, i've handled carb, valve and timing issues that were more frustrating.

time to change diapers, and the fussing turned to screaming. the MIL is STILL downstairs, unwilling to come up to lend a hand. no worries, i dont expect her to come up....and ive done this before. calmly, i change one of my daughters and get her chilled while the other is still crying. take calm daughter downstairs and HAND her to MIL. head back upstairs to handle diaper and crying daughter #2. get her all sorted out and calmed.
Wifey gets home, babies are quiet. she starts feeding our girls, and MIL, angry & crying "cant take the screaming babies", "you are bad parents for ALLOWING them to scream like that"...etc.
I told her to get the eff out.

she cant complain when she wont step up to 'fix' what she's complaining about, and then insult me and out parenting in MY house.
she left yesterday.
11 days early

No apology, no nothin'.
my wife and i are on the same page. she needed to go.. she's done this to other family members too, her sons wife...MY MOTHER!!!! MY NEIGHBORS!!! she stickes her nose where it doesnt belong, forces her opinions on others, and pushes them away. she only thinks of herself. she doesnt see this. its been going on for too long. It hurts my wife.
I now join the ranks of those who will never speak to my MIL again. for the next 2 days, she tried to act as if nothing happend. showering the kids with gifts. it all went back. i had no response to her attemps at converstion.
its like those paranormal home exorcism shows.
all is bright and sunny and everyone is at peace once the demons are gone.