just got back from Asheville. Where Uncle Ernie had to help me out running around
to find plugs for the Ducati which limped into Asheville Friday night in the rain running on
one cylinder. We made back home today so all is well.
191, Brevard Road should have a place on it to stay and that put's you right at the
Parkway easy like. If you find yourself on 191 looking for good eats stop in
at the Apollo Bistro. Strike up a conversation with the owner, real nice fellow.
Have a good time on the parkway. We rode it all the way down from Virginia to Asheville
and after 6 hours, three down pours, and fog on the backside of Mount Mitchell, it gets kind of tiring.
We rode back up 40 to 77 today and blasting along at 80/85 has it's advantages. Namely, 4 hours total plus a
couple of gas stops, a breakfast stop, and a pit stop.