I was out riding today and I stopped at a gas station to get out of the rain and grab a bite to eat. While I was sitting there I saw a fully loaded bike pull in and a woman hop off and head inside, I glanced at the plates and couldn't recognize them. Finished my burrito, went outside, the plates are British Columbia - mind you, I live in Pennsylvania. I had to see who this woman was and hear her story...she came out and I said "Nice rig" and she asked if the Honda was mine. We started talking like we'd known each other forever -
this is her travel blog, and she's only about halfway through this journey. The bike is an '83 Suzuki GS750,
she's a Canadian musician/artist, and I'm blown away by her story, her disposition (she had just rode through a wicked PA t-storm and still had her rain gear on), this trip, everything. Now I have to go through the entire travel blog and read it all!