Slams77, that's a good thought but doesn't appear to be the case.
DonR I did do a search, which brought me to where I am now.
So as DonR suggested, I did do a search. I actually did it prior to posting this, but was confused by the fact I had 2 buggered speedometers in less than 6 months. The search turned up only a couple of articles, but one of them suggested pouring Denatured Alcohol into the speedometer, swirling it around and dumping it out. Sounds simple enough, and the execution was simple, but the end result was one step forward, and a step back sorta. The Alcohol got rid of the jumpyness, the needle is pretty smooth now with at most a 5mph bounce. The step back is what it did to the gauge face, the paint has ran so badly now that it's very hard to see the numbers.