Whats a matter bunkie? Are you tired of struggling, sweating, cursing and begging for help just to get your bike on center stand? Are you "in-seam challenged"? Did you put on lowering blocks for easier riding only to find your center stand is now pretty much useless? Is that's what's troubling you Bunkie?
Well cheer up! Now with Old School's
Handy Dandy Center Stand Get 'er On 'er you too can be the envy of your shop by popping your bike on center stand practically with one hand! Go ahead and use those lowering blocks, make your low ride'n bike look bad azz! No more lying to your buddies that you took your center stand off to save weight!
Here's how to order... er I mean... make one.
Take a piece of half inch by 5 inch chunk of wood, cut it to 21 inches (all sizes are approximate) Attache a 5 inch length of 2x4 to the underside, lining up one edge of the 2x4 block with the centerline of the plank.

Now place the short side of the
Handy Dandy Center Stand Get 'er On 'er under your back wheel as illustrated

Pull back on the handlebars, rolling the bike up the
Handy Dandy Center Stand Get 'er On 'er until you feel the bike balancing on the 2/4 fulcrum. At this time, step on the center stand's lever arm so that the center stand feet contacts the ground.

Pull back a little more while continuing to press the center stand lever arm to the ground. Note that the
Handy Dandy Center Stand Get 'er On 'er now becomes a ramp in the REVERSE direction! The weight of the bike now pulls the bike up onto its center stand practically FOR you!