okay, i'm starting to get a little frustrated on this one. i checked the carb sync again, and although i don't have a method for seperating the set screw from the locking nut, the carb pistons all seem to be in sync =/- .5mm or so. i pulled off the carbs and checked the float which might have been a teensy bit high so i bent it down a bit more. i also felt that the spark plug boot and wire were suspect so i replaced them.
i fired the bike up and the took it for a spin. total running time was maybe 7 minutes...and the plug is completely covered in black. it is not sticky or shiny, just sooty.
the air mixture adjust screw is as far out as i dare get it (in fact i lost one by setting it too far out the other day. 14 bucks for a new one.) the choke valves all seem to be operating well, and all the other cylinders are running right on with tan plugs. at warm up idle, the #4 pipe is hot, but not as hot as the others. this continues for the entire ride.
i welcome any suggestions on what to try next...