Thanks for all the replies, seems I should try JB weld before throwing out the baby with the bathwater.
GSgleason, I have the stock handlebars for this bike, and a rear caliper. The caliper had a broken bleed valve, and I tried to drill it out. I think I ruined it, but I'm happy to give it to you if you want to try and fix. Make me an offer on the bars, and I'll throw in the caliper. I also have the stock airbox and turn signals, if anyone wants em.
My stock tank was rusted out, and I replaced with an older K tank, a 74 I think. Those tanks fit the mounts, but they are shorter, and I had to modify my seat mounts and move it forward about 2" to close the gap. I think it looks cool that way. Might be easier to find a K tank.
Tennessee, let me know what you find out. I think I will continue to look into getting an engine to rebuild. I have had this bike for 12 years, I guess I'm in for the long haul...