Author Topic: Air compressor + soda blasting questions  (Read 6659 times)

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Offline cleveland

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Air compressor + soda blasting questions
« on: July 09, 2010, 02:08:03 PM »
I picked up a blaster and a big bag of soda yesterday and went at my carbs.  After a little while the compressor was pushing out moisture and getting the soda wet as I was spraying it.  It still cleaned up the carbs, but now there is soda caked on in areas.

1- How do I remove the moisture?  I see some filters remove moisture, but they also oil your tool at the same time.  I have no interest in oily soda.  So what type of filter is the correct one?

2- Can I reuse the soda?  I am thinking of making a cabinet and putting a catcher at the bottom to recollect the soda. 

Thanks guys!!!

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Offline cleveland

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Re: Air compressor + soda blasting questions
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2010, 07:33:53 AM »

Anyone have experience with the Harbor Freight one?  It's half the price.

Offline worlddrum13

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Re: Air compressor + soda blasting questions
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2010, 10:42:46 AM »
yup you can get a filter that uses no oil. I'm sure painters use them all the time. as far as re using it? i don't see any major reason why not. but rather than risk getting something  in it that shouldn't be, id just buy more soda. that's the nice thing about this meathod. its not pricey.
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Re: Air compressor + soda blasting questions
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2010, 01:29:18 PM »
You've got a 50-50 chance that the Harbor Freight filter will leak.  And I love Harbour Freight, just their air stuff isn't great.  You should be able to get something similar and not to much more expensive at Lowes or Home depot.

I wouldn't re-use the soda.  Go to a pool supply store and buy soda from them.  It's cheaper than anywhere else.  Around me it's $39 for an 80lb bag.

Have you looked at the HF blasting cabinets?  I have the floor standing model.  It's the best $160 ($200 - 20% coupon from just about any motorcycle mag) I've spent on my shop.  You do need a higher powered compressor to run it.  I switch between soda and coal slag with no problem.   I find myself looking for things that are rusty to blast!!!

Good luck,


Offline cleveland

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Re: Air compressor + soda blasting questions
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2010, 01:45:57 PM »
Thanks Matt! 

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Re: Air compressor + soda blasting questions
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2010, 05:22:52 AM »
Oh and I forgot to put this in my last post.  By using a blast cabinet you'll actually wind up saving money in the long run.  Especially with materials other than soda.  Why?  Because if you use an open air blaster you're wasting media.  In the cabinet the unused media just falls into the hopper to be re-used.

Offline cleveland

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Re: Air compressor + soda blasting questions
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2010, 10:53:57 AM »
I picked up a in-line-filter at Menards for $6!  Worked GREAT!!!  Also, I was going to make a cabinet from a big Rubbermade bin like another member here did, then I saw this one at Harbor Freight for $89 and got it!

Thanks for the advice guys, it's gone to good use.

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Re: Air compressor + soda blasting questions
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2010, 11:26:46 AM »
I'm using the Harbor Freight 15lb Soda Blaster. It came with a moisture trap. It dripped quite a bit while using it Sunday on the driveway. I blasted a bunch of stuff, stripped the black coloring (anodizing) off the MC I'm going to use, cleaned the inside without damaging the bore, (I hope) blasted the outside of my Mikuni 29s I'm going to use, while assembled. I'll disassemble them and blast one more time and lightly buff.

Blasted some lacquer pieces, it took the lacquer off easily. Not so good on factory paint. It gets in the hard to reach places on a gas tank easily but I wouldn't want to strip a whole tank, just for the time it takes.

Used less than a load 15lbs in probably 30 minutes, so I can live without a cabinet. Thunderstrom blew up in a few hours and washed it all away.
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Offline cleveland

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Re: Air compressor + soda blasting questions
« Reply #9 on: July 19, 2010, 11:44:04 AM »
I turned a nice size patch of grass orange from blasting, it was all the excuse that I needed for the wife.  In fact, she said "If there a way to clean your parts that does kill that grass?"  "Why yes there is..."   ;D