Thanks guys.

I wasn't overly picky, but I ended up with a pretty good deal on a pretty good bike.
I was lucky in that the seller was a good guy. He responded to me right away, made the deal on faith that I'd follow through with my part, had the money to pay it off himself so I wouldn't have to hand over any money up front, and he followed through just as he said he would. Plus, he was an older guy like myself and never got on the bike like you might expect some of the yahoos in this forum might.

He even gave me his proof of insurance and license plate for when I rode it home and for the weekend (just got insurance and plate today). He even filled it with gas.
I think (and I think the seller would agree) that I was a good buyer. I phoned about the ad, went to look at it, already had my mind made up that I'd get it if it looked good, saw it was good, agreed to buy it, was patient while the seller paid it off and got a clear title (took almost 2 weeks), and paid the asking price in cash. The seller also said he was glad I wasn't some irresponsible kid so he wouldn't have to worry about someone getting killed on it.
I paid $5,500 for it, by the way, and there's about 3,300 miles on the clock. It's in mint condition. 2008, no mods other than flush turn signals (and the puffy-looking rear seat).
All in all, I think both he and I were pretty fortunate in this deal.
And the orange just happens to match my Icon vintage flattrack jacket and Nolan flashback helmet.