I the early days of the sohc4 mailing list we had a guy
Dave Whitney, who called himself dave-from-maine. In 1998 it took a trip to Boston and got to spend a few days with Dave and Linda Julien ( see came to the first WER in 1997).
I had a fabilous time. I remember stepping from the airplane after a 8 hour flight to find myself fixing a problem on Lindas CB650 (yes I fixed it). Later Dave joined us and we had a fabilous evening.
Dave later sold his bike and dissapeard

from the list.
So as a momentum to Dave and I live in Belgium, I started calling myself Johnny-from-belgium
I also love languages so I tend to translate it into different laguages
Dutch : Johnny-van-belgie (my native language)
French : Johnny-de-belgique
English : Johnny-from-belgium
German : Johnny-von-belgien
Italian : Johnny-da-belgica
Japanees : berugi-no-johnny (just started to learn)
And that is the end of my language knowlege I am affraid. (in order from best to worse)
So this is the story behind johnny-from-belgium.