There is no fast idle cam on these carbs. A cold engine doesn't atomize gas as well as a hot one, which is why you need choke, which also reduces engine efficiency. Therefore, the throttle must be held open a bit to keep it running.
The main idle is set when the engine is a full operating temp. It doesn't need a warm up before riding. So suit up, start, and drive off with the choke on, and as you drive, take choke off incrementally. While riding, your hand is on the throttle and you don't need the idle stop to hold RPM. When the engine is warmed up again, you can take you hand off the throttle at stop lights and it will idle fine at the idle stop setting.
Earlier 500s and 550's had a friction adjust under the throttle so throttle could be added and held (if stationary running was essential to the owner). It was removed to keep people from using it as a cruise control setting. The high idle setting was then transferred to the rider.
Throttle hesitation may simply be an air screw adjustment. But, if the induction and exhaust are no longer stock, there may be more adjustments needed.