Author Topic: Considering getting a GT550  (Read 1144 times)

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Offline le_sterls

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Considering getting a GT550
« on: July 22, 2010, 11:28:54 PM »
So I've been looking on CL, and I came across this. I've always wanted a two-stroke triple, I just don't know much about them. Here's the link... $900 sounded reasonable, if it actually is running well enough for me to ride it home. What are some issues with these bikes? I know the middle piston tends to burnout, due to overheating... Not sure if it pertains to this model. I'd like to know what to look for, before I go to look at this bike.
That's what I'd like to hear.
'77 CB550k - running... For now...

Offline kirkn

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Re: Considering getting a GT550
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2010, 03:54:01 AM »
From all I've read, they were great bikes.

I remember Cycle magazine did a middleweight shootout in about '75 and it included Honda's CB550, the GT550 and GT380 and Yamaha's RD400 and probably others.

The GT550 won all the marbles!

I'd go for it in a minute, but Oh My, those handlebars gotta go!!  :D

Offline bryanj

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Re: Considering getting a GT550
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2010, 08:30:30 AM »
As long as crank dont rumble they are great, never remember replacing a piston in one
Semi Geriatric ex-Honda mechanic and MOT tester (UK version of annual inspection). Garage full of "projects" mostly 500/4 from pre 73 (no road tax in UK).

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Offline RRRToolSolutions

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Re: Considering getting a GT550
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2010, 01:06:37 PM »
Hi, very nice 2 stroke choice. I've had two of them years ago. The center cylinder is an exagerated story. I've have several triples and if you jet them to factory specs or will take the time to make sure none of the cylinders are lean, that bike will give lots of smiles. You'll want to make sure the oil lines are in good shape - I've seen some get brittle and break with time, but those are still available and easy to install.

The GT550 has the 2nd "best" looking engine put into a bike, in my opinion. The GT380 is my all-time favorite looker only becase of it's proportions. Performance-wise, mine were a close match to the CB500 Fours I've had. It is a well mannered 2 stroke, nothing like the Mach III's of the day. Of course, no wheelies each time the tach hits 5,500 rpm..........


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Offline le_sterls

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Re: Considering getting a GT550
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2010, 01:22:47 PM »
From all I've read, they were great bikes.

I remember Cycle magazine did a middleweight shootout in about '75 and it included Honda's CB550, the GT550 and GT380 and Yamaha's RD400 and probably others.

The GT550 won all the marbles!

I'd go for it in a minute, but Oh My, those handlebars gotta go!!  :D

Oh, of course those bars are goin' haha
That's what I'd like to hear.
'77 CB550k - running... For now...