Dear SOHCers
Anyone know anything about this "club" for Honda 4s from back in the early 70s please..?
Ive recently unearthed an "owner maintenance and tune up guide"from 1971 when sorting thru some of my stuff....makes real interesting reading..!
I cant find anything about it on the net....any SOHCers have a clue...?
Maybe it was the fore-runner of greater things to come all these years later..?
Any info would be great......
The guide authors name seems to have been Richard B Poppoff.....true..! can any US members check the phone listings for that name in LA,SF etc...the address then was 1380 Garnet Ave, San Diego,92109...maybe hes still around today...? A BILL ROBINSON was the President...also shown is an address of PO Box 60679 Terminal Annex.Los Angeles CA 90060.
We can all play our part in ensuring the history of these fine bikes continues to flourish.
Thanks...and rides all