I was using J B Weld to fill the pits in my fork tubes. Mixed up a small batch, filled in the pit, set it to dry. Came back in a few hours to take a look and the JBW didn't look right. It was too dark and the playing with the leftovers revealed that it dried to the wrong consistency. Too bendy and soft and it was curing much slower than I remember it doing before. Figured I got the mixture wrong, grabbed some acetone (or alcohol, don't remember) and rubbed the small amount out of the fork tubes to start again. Long story short, it came out the same way the second time around.
Now it was a pretty small batch (a hefty toothbrush load from each tube) so it's more vulnerable to bad ratios but I was more careful the second time and I've never had it turn to crap quite like this before. This was the first use of this JBWeld package. I bought it because I couldn't find my old tubes. Anyone ever get a bad batch of this stuff or am I just doing a consistently bad job of mixing it up?