Trying to Download the service man. but what are these screw for? I assume the brass on is the pilot but what is the one the screw driver is pointing at. Im having a hard time getting the bike to idle. Could be float height due to the added weight of the JB weld.
The screw you are pointing to in the photo is to raise and lower the slide IDLE.
It raises and lowers the slide because the end of the screw is tapered.
If you look into the intake you can see it under the edge of the slide.
The other screw is the mixture screw. Open the mixture screw about one turn to start.
Remove the air filter and look into the intake and make sure the slide is all the way down to start.
The carb adjustments are the LAST thing you do on a motorcycle engine.
First is cam chain slack, then valve adjustment, then carb adjustment .
In that order.
When you put the JB weld on the float you ruined it. Better buy a new one.
The weight of the float is measured in grams .
Install a new float needle too or you will be doing it all over again.
Make sure you can see daylight through the idle jet. You have to take it out and hold it up to the light.
BTW..Did you ever remove that r/h floppy down passenger peg?