The Camera is in the car at my wifes work, but I have a Briggs Jr dragster engine with the top ripped off.
Picture this, Cordova Dragway, friday night of the World Series of Drag Racing, The new musco lighting system on for the first time at a race. Final round of Jr. Dragster, both finalists are girls, a crowd of maybe 20,000 not an empty seat in the place. The first pair to run after the national anthem to start the show. My daughter Lacey, in the left lane our friends grandaughter in the right. The other car is slower and gets a head start, the lights come down and the other car is late on the tree, Lacey cuts a great light and catches her opponent at half track. There is a puff of smoke and sparkles appear in the air 30' above our car, I notice something flailing above the engine, then it stops. And the crowd went wild! The crankcase bolts vibrated out of the sidecover, the cylinder broke off the block but the piston wedged in the bore so the cylinder and head were reciprocating with the crankshaft. The rod and crank stayed together. The header went through the deflector plate behind the drivers helmet but did not hit her. It knocked the Lectron carb off the rubber coupler but all the oil stayed in the bottom of the crankcase.
Picture to follow.