If they are the same as my 500, they should just be solid dowels, right? Don't order them - go to your local Ace Hardware! Measure the dowels with a micrometer or a vernier cliper so that you have a good close idea of their dimensions. Get the dowel closest. Most likely they'll have on that is within a hair's width. Worst you'll have to do is file it down a touch. Since it's just a dowel, then as long as it fits who cares! And, of course, the best part is that here it should cost you < $0.25 each.
The issue I ran into was that I bought a piece who's dimensions were the size of the hole in which it needed to go - meaning I had to shave it down a tad for it to fit. It just took a few minutes with a file, though. I was making a half-circle key for the slide on my carbs, but it's all the same idea.