Author Topic: '73 500 rear brake broke...any ideas?  (Read 541 times)

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Offline boulder74

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'73 500 rear brake broke...any ideas?
« on: August 14, 2010, 06:58:53 AM »

I was riding the other day and was braking with the front and rear as I usually do and heard a loud pop pop from the back and the pedal went stiff.  I pulled over (was only a mile from home) and noticed the rear brake cam nut had sheared, sending the brake arm and rod around the rear axle and also bending the rear pivot shaft in the process! 

Some background: I'm in the process of cafe'n the bike out and had just got new tires installed 2 weeks ago, I did the R&R on the wheels and had the local tire shop do the rest.  When I put the rear brake back together, I did it IAW the Clymer manual. It was loose at first (no brake) but I took the arm off the cam nut and re-adjusted it to where the manual said it should be (around 90-100 deg off the rod angle) and it was fine.  Then one day, POP!
[img]<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="rear broke">[/url]/img]

Offline Bodi

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Re: '73 500 rear brake broke...any ideas?
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2010, 07:49:08 AM »
What happened here is that the torque rod let go. This is the arm that connects the brake plate to the swingarm to transfer braking torque to the frame. When it released, the brake plate rotated from brake torque, in the process putting the brake on stronger and stronger since the brake actuating rod tightens as the plate rotates. With the brake locked up and the wheel torque pulling on the brake actuating rod, the brake cam snapped. It may actually be designed to do that to avoid a locked rear wheel situation at speed, usually that's followed by a crash.
The brake torque rod is held at the ends by a stud on the brake plate and a bolt on the swingarm. Both have locking devices, and should not come loose ever. Did you install the locking devices when you installed the wheel? Did you use a non-stock bolt at the swingarm- that is a special fastener and a normal bolt is not acceptable.

Offline boulder74

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Re: '73 500 rear brake broke...any ideas?
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2010, 08:35:34 AM »
I put everything back together as I took it off, It was all done in the same day.  The rear wheel isn't locked up fortunately.  I guess I'll be looking for a replacement set of parts for this and have to rebuild it.  I lost the bolt that holds the fat rear hub rod in place.  I'll admit that I hadn't gotten the cotter pin replaced yet (the old one was rusted out).  Maybe that was part of the problem?

