I've got this on dvd and watch it every now and then - it really is a pretty crappy film, and if it wasn't for the bikes, a bit of nudity, the bikes, a bit of humping, the bikes, a few titties, the bikes..........hang on, I'll be back in a minute!

Back when it was released it quickly became a cult film - well, at least among my circles - and we went (on our CBs and Zs) to the flicks nearly every sat night to see it, making appropriate comments at inappropriate moments (or vice versa) and getting told off by the usherettes. Great days.
Man, I was just a pup at 19. sigh.
I knew a couple of people in it, inc the stunt guys, and the guy riding the outfit "hearse". The start sequence and the street race are my 2 favourite bits.
Dave - do you remember the reinactment they had of the funeral procession many years later - there was a big crash and at least 1 one was killed - caused quite a stir at the time.