he's funny. who cares about his personal life, right?
I loved Elvis when I was little, until I saw the thriller video at Kmart when I was 7 or 8. got the thriller view master cuz we didn't have cable. then I loved Micheal Jackson. of course this became a secret once I started skateboarding and got into punk rock. haha
when the whole chimo thing came out I was really bummed. at some point I decided you have to judge an artist by his art, or learn to appreciate the art apart from the individual. Walt Whitman might be the greatest American poet, ever. he was into young men, maybe too young. but I won't throw out 'leaves of grass' because of it. there are many more examples.
Mel Gibson really let me down. Max Rockatansky is the coolest character ever conceived. ever. ever,ever,ever. but mel is clearly off his rocker. and as far as I can tell a pretty vile, despicable, hateful person based on his recent rants. bums me out, but should I throw out all my mad max memorabilia. hell, no.
pee-wee isn't really the same caliber as the other folks I mentioned, but all he did is whack off at a place that is designed for whacking off. why the hell were the cops wasting our time and money anyways, busting whackers. whacking is a victimless crime.
hell, I'll say it.
whacking is not a crime.