I have acquired a 1975 xl125 from my Mom, who is the original owner, and what I used to learn how to ride back when I was 12 years old. the bike was in excellent shape when I had the opportunity to learn how to ride and work on "real" mechanical things. As time went on, I slightly abused it by tearing all the street legal parts off, (lucky me I kept all of the parts in a box in storage) adding real knobby tires to it, jumping it as far as I could off some bigger than the bike could handle jumps at a friends property, leaving it out in the weather, and forgetting about it completely for years... needles to say, It was pretty trashed/weathered when I went and picked it up from my parents place.
So far I've got just about everything apart, some things painted and ready, some things are blasted and ready for me to powdercoat, the frame and swingarm are going to be professionally blasted and powdercoated due to size, and i've got about halfish of the new things needed for the project.
My plan for this is to restore the bikes color scheme, and modify some style appearances to be Supermoto like, Use 18" alu. wheels and full street tires, as if the bike could have come from the dealer that way, with a slightly modern accent to it, like slimline mirrors and lighting, but keeping the vintage look.
I have a few ideas about the engine. First thing that came to mind was fitting a later model XR200 engine, then I figured i'd rather keep the original engine to keep it looking more original and just freshen it up, but it needs more power, I came across a very small turbo, probably off of an old audi or diesel vw, so I'll be doing some fun fab work and tuning... probably going to blow a thing or two up, but meh... I expect that. Btw, I have lots of automotive turbo knowledge under my belt and wanted to attempt some small engine boosting.
So I've got a couple questions, hopefully some of you have answers.
cams, did any of the other 125, 175, or 185 engines of that era have hotter cams that could drop in? how about the 175 or 185 cyl. jug, piston, and/or head fit the 125 bottom? any experience that anyone has and pics of like bikes would be appreciated.
On to some pictures

Mom in 1975 with her first motorcycle

Brand new in all of it's glory

the day I got it to my house

buffed and waxed the tank first thing, I'm not refinishing the tank because I think it being nice and original will give it character, and tell a story.

day two, had the bike stripped down a bit and a few things cleaned and painted.

found that I had bent the stanchions so I found a good set on ebay and rebuilt the forks with new seals, oil, lowered about an inch and polished the lowers. also had to buy another swingarm cause that was bent to hell too.
I'll keep this updated as I get more done.