I try to drive defensively..
After having been run over/into a few times..
One day driving Sis's Passat with my wife beside me & a buddy behind her.. we topped a small rise, and had to stop for a line backed way up, behind a car being pulled out the ditch from a fresh accident.
I scanned the surroundings, realized the next person coming behind me could easily hit me if they were not paying attention..

I repositioned the car to the far left of the lane against the centerline on the 2 lane road.. no oncoming traffic, as it was blocked by the towing. There was a fairly large outboard motored boat towed by a van agead of us, that was the reason I moved over.. The prop now lined up with the passenger fender, rather than my eyes.
I watched the mirror, said there a car coming..,, a bit too fast..

.. My buddy momentarily thought , I was joking, but saw my eyes change in the rearview mirror as the car bore down on us..
As we got hit, there was an explosion of glass and a lot of noise, and I was instantly flat on my back, the front seats sheared off their pivot and flattened out. I sat up realized we were rolling and stepped on the brakes and stopped the car.
We did hit the outboard or boat with the right corner of the car, but it was a glacing minor blow.. better than having an outboard in the drivers seat...
Cop said, I did everything right.. lucky for us..
Be carefull out there, and use your '"back eyes" when stopped...
Some days you make your own luck...