Hey Lumbee, if it's any consolation, I am on what seems like a never ending quest to build a "non-leaky" motor. The first attempt was just to replace all the gaskets, after meticulously cleaning all mating surfaces. That attempt worked for the first 800 miles before oil began weeping from all the old spots, just at a lesser rate than before. Next attempt was on a complete top-end rebuild, The head was decked and all "questionable" threads were helicoiled for torquing purposes. I read up on "torguing" techniques and gave it my best shot. That engine began weeping at the head after 1,500 miles or so. The latest engine has APE heavy duty cylinder studs, I've applied YAMAHBOND #4 to the 6 pucks under the came towers and to the head gasket around each of the 8 oil galleys. So far so good but only 500 miles on the engine.
Clean off the engine with Simple Green and water, then go for a 20 mile ride. It should be easy to trace the source of your leak, even with the black motor. On my engines, the oil galleys were the most common offenders, followed by tach cable seal and tappet cover seals. The last two are easy to replace.
I've taken several 600 mile trips with the leaky motors and had no problems, aside from oily trousers. I checked the oil every other gas stop to determine if I was losing any. In the heat of the Summer in Central California I had to add 1/2 quart by thye time I returned home.