That's incredible, some of those houses in Glendale are similar to houses in my street that would go for $400K plus. If my wife ever kicks me out, I know where I'm coming to retire! 
Sorry Terry but you aren't old enough yet to move to Arizona. You see, Florida used to be the place where people went when they were feeling...well...old, but Arizona is now the new Florida. It seems that most parts of southern Florida have been inhabited by Cubans and Haitians on their road to freedom and most US Floridian old folks don't/can't comprehend this onslaught on their lifestyle. Their lifestyle being trailers and condos and shopping for bargains...and the "safety" that comes from living in a gated "community".

So they're pulling up stakes, trailer jacks and mortgages and moving west. Oh, and the "early bird special"...dinner at 3:30pm so that you can be in bed by 7...or 6...or 5? Do you think that you can handle it? Hmmm, I guess you could if you treated it like breakfast.
"Has anybody heard from Terry Lately?"
"No but didn't he move to Arizona recently? That's the new Florida you know..."
"Yeah...well, that explains it."