Today while driving my 1978 CB750K on a snake curve 3 lane road, I was almost hit by a car switching lanes from center to left. No signaling. Further down the road, the car drifted into the center lane again without signaling. As I attempted to pass on the left, the car slowly started to squeeze me to the rail. I braked, went behind her and passed on the right to get ahead of her. As I was coming to the next light, I noticed the car coming up beside me so I stopped to be beside it when she reached the light. I leaned over as she approached and said calmly, "You almost hit me 3 times back there". The driver smiled and said, "I didn't even see you". 'That's because you were all over the road and didn't look in your mirror even once", I said. The woman (40's) smiled and raised a bottle of beer that she had between her legs and started to say she was sorry, as if it was a big joke that she was drunk. I was furious. I yelled, "I was going to ask you if you were drunk, but now I see you are. What is wrong with you? You are putting other people's lives in danger with your stupidity!" She said, "I'm sorry. I'm just giving my mother a ride home." To which the older woman passenger looked at me and nodded to confirm it. Now I was even more enraged. I yelled, "I don't care why you are doing it. You're a #$%*ing #$%* (and to the mother) and you are just as bad for letting her drive you while she's drinking. You are putting other people's lives at risk with your selfish stupidity. Both of you are #$%*ing #$%*s and should get the #$%* off the road!!!!" The older woman sheepishly said, "I'm sorry". I yelled, "your apology isn't going to do me any good if I'm dead or crippled!!!. They both sat silently in shock. "Smarten the #$%* up and get off the road", I yelled, and drove on.
This episode and the recent 4 biker death in Omaha* makes me think of all the idiots who think that drinking and driving isn't that bad, or even worse, the #$%*s that boast (even here on SOHC forums) that they had a few and went riding. Forget those stern PSA's that say, "Drinking and driving will get you arrested". Or "the life you save may be your own". Try this one on for size, "IF YOU DRINK AND DRIVE, YOU ARE A #$%*ING #$%*!!!.
*5 lives were destroyed because a class valedictorian, scholarship winner, and seemingly perfect kid was drunk driving and veered into 4 bikers killing all of them.
Seriously people, be conscious.