I lived in a bad area near the tracks,one side was white the other black.The closer you got to the tracks the worse it was,gangsta's on one side,white trash on the other.First day I moved in the young punks(10-12 yrs old)stole my friggin pit bulls.Problem is when I raise dogs I raise them to be good,nice dogs.What idiots steal pitbulls,lots.So I called the cops ,they came and took a statement and said I wouldnt see those dogs again.That wasnt what I wanted to hear,so I took my problem to the source.I went up to a group of young troublemakers and told em I would pay $100 for each dog ,the next day there they were.Of course I paid them.After livin there for 4 years I ran into every kind of trouble you can Imagine.Everytime I pulled my gun out on my property I called the cops to let them Know,they appreciated this.I can go on,but In my opinion,get out of there.