While I was out there I also cleaned up my exhaust guards and mounted them, figured out the set of grips I bought 4 years ago actually do fit I just didn't realize there were different sizes for each side (throttle is bigger) so I put them on, cleaned the engine a bit more, and I also took off the seat to sow up a small tear and mounted the original back on. Oh I also lightly with a cloth used some mothers polish on my controls... and am now gonna have to get out a buffing wheel and do them up right....
SO I need some feedback guys I think the rat look is starting to get to much chrome (I found myself cleaning finger prints today
). What do u think? I still don't know what I am doing to the tank I might just fill the emblem spots and leave it flat black for now. I have a spare tank and am thinking about trying my hand at making knee dents in it (maybe not till spring though) then having it boiled and sealed. I also do have side covers that I need to fix cracks on but have no emblems. So yep fill em and paint em flat too.
What do you guys think about this seat
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220583727105&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:ITand anther member recommended some Euro sport bars which are a little lower than stock but not uncomfortable in long rides?
I also have some controls that are off a later year that I think might look good... although ours polished do look really good.