Most important thing is reality...... a loose axle nut will not cause the axle to move forward or 'cant' sideways if the adjuster bolts and their locknuts are set per specs. as the 'calipers' will not allow it. 
I respectfully disagree. I will never find an official confirmation of my position so I'll relate my experiences and you take it from there. If the axle is loose, the chain adjuster bolt will bend when put under load. Especially if it is extended in the adjuster bracket from a more than half worn out chain. IT simply is not designed to carry the load or act as a failsafe to a loose axle nut. We sold hundreds of chain adjuster bolts to replace bent ones from loose axles. Admittedly this happened mostly on smaller displacement bikes. I never saw it happen on the CB750.
I submit this is because the CB750 owners are more diligent about tightening the axle and that Honda did increase the size of the bolt and I think its is hardened on the CB750. It will stand more abuse. But nothing about the basic designs changed and I submit the intent of the engineers was that the adjusters should not be expected to hold the wheel in position by themselves. If you find yourself in a position where the adjuster has done that duty without failing, you are lucky.
With the axle at spec, 55 to 75ft lbs, this is a non-issue.
Other failures I have seen: On the CB750 style with the bolt going thru a bracket, The bolt will push its way backwards thru the threads of the bracket, stripping them out. On the adjuster style that is a banjo hole around the axle, with the neck of the banjo being a threaded shaft, with a pull nut to draw the wheel back, the threads of the shaft and nut will striip as the engine pulls the wheel forward.