Author Topic: Guns, Donkey Shows, Toppes, and Clubman Handlebars - My trip to Mexico '75 CB550  (Read 5476 times)

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Offline campbmic

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During the month of July I was on the road taking a test ride on my newly self-built 1975 CB550. Originally I was hoping to make it from Dallas, Texas to maybe Austin IF I was lucky. I figured, on the off chance it actually crossed the Mexican border then it would certainly break down. I had planned on wrapping it in plastic wrap and burying it and coming back for it later on.

Even with these ingenious plans and clever solutions I had no idea what I was in for. And I couldn't have it any other way  ;D

**Note its not completely done yet!
Its hard to be wrong when you know nothing!

Offline cookindaddy

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Wow! Keep writing
George with a black 78 CB750K (in Lion's Head, Ontario, Canada)

Offline Nikkisixx

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Ah, good times!
It is a proven fact that modifying a SOHC Honda in any way will bring on the apocalypse.

Offline CycleRanger

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I was gipped! There was no donkey show....

Fun read!  Finish it up!
Do you have a copy of the Honda Shop Manual or Parts List for your bike? Get one here:
CB750K5        '79 XL250s     CL350K3
CB750K3        '76 XS650      '76 CJ360T

Offline Nikkisixx

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Does this count Cycleranger?  ;D

It is a proven fact that modifying a SOHC Honda in any way will bring on the apocalypse.

Offline campbmic

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Do you ladies, gentlemen, and donkies think my carbs might be adequate or do you still think I may be in danger of over heating?

Just wondering, I love this bike more and more every mile I ride!
Its hard to be wrong when you know nothing!

Offline Nikkisixx

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Do you ladies, gentlemen, and donkies think my carbs might be adequate or do you still think I may be in danger of over heating?

Just wondering, I love this bike more and more every mile I ride!

Are you talking about this:
"Now, I’ve removed the stock air box from my carburetors and installed individual pods on each of the four carburetor bodies. This has a dramatic effect on the motorcycle and if its not tuned correctly the engine can lock up pretty easily after only a few minutes of highway riding. This coupled with the fact that I completely broke down and rebuilt the engine made me doubt the motorcycles capabilities to even make it to Austin."

Man, you've heard this song before - ditch those pods.  You know you want to, all the cool kids are doing it.
It is a proven fact that modifying a SOHC Honda in any way will bring on the apocalypse.

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Do you ladies, gentlemen, and donkies think my carbs might be adequate or do you still think I may be in danger of over heating?

Just wondering, I love this bike more and more every mile I ride!

If you think you might be running lean which might be a/the reason for it to overheat then simply put in larger jets for the higher rpm range &/or change the clips for the midrange then read the plugs. It's easier on the engine to run rich than lean. Worse thing that usually happens to rich jetting is fouled plugs.
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline HedNut

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YO Campbmic!!  Great story man!! Makes me feel like I haven't lived yet! Keep it going...I wanna read the rest NOW! ahaha  I'm going home to tell the wife that once my bike is rideable I'll be driving to Mexico!
Cheers!  Good Stuff!!!

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