Well I started pulling the engine apart a bit more (I STILL can't get those damn carbs off -my gut or my bike).
As Pulled the sprocket cover off on the left where the chain attaches...I found a mud dauber wasp nest about the size of a salt shaker. It was dried up / abandoned, but there was a MESs of crud around that sprocket.
I'll be replacing the old chain to. Its "functional", but I would bet its about two short rides from garbage and an injured leg.
I DID actually get that bolt kit from ALLOY BOLT on Ebay. It came in Friday and man...what a great deal! ITS PERFECT.
I also got word from the seat upholsterer that the seat arrived intact and I'll be looking forward to that over the next few weeks as well.
Been staring a HOLE in THIS for about a week now:

I mean the exhaust of course.

Just some thing very meaty and cool about it. I love that tapered end pipe too.
I was originally looking at their 4-2-1 which is still up in the air...

Of course when I say "they I'm refering to Cycle X.
I spoke w/ the owner Ken a few days ago and he was very friendly, knowledgeable and very helpful as well.
I will definitely get the bulk of by bitz from them. Namely the Black on Black shocks, chain, Drag Bars and exhaust.
Getting a couple small things from Lowbrow Customs. I may end up getting the fenders (if I decide to use any at all) from Carpy. I like his bobbed rear fender and a few other small odds and end. The one I'm up in the air about because I don't really need it- I JUST like the look -is that Dresda swingarm. Ijust like it. maybe after the damn things running i'll go back and swap it out.