I broke down and ordered a chinese bearing, for the top, out of England. I got the all balls bearing for the lower, which is the harder of the two to replace in my experience (which is mainly removing the bearing from this lower tree prior to installation PITA!). I will probably end up replacing the top bearing with an all balls bearing/seal when they get them back in stock. I just cant stand my bike sitting around while the nice warm weather wastes away.
I got the front end back together. I just need to get some fork oil and wire everything back up and should be done with the mock-up/ride stage and will probably stay that way for awhile, until I have the funds necessary to tear-down/freshen-up/weld/paint everything I want. For now, I just want to ride!
Its been way to long of a project, but that can be expected when you have kids. I know that now
Here it is at 95% with a new (to me) 78F tank. I still need to get the gauge mount finished, wiring done, and other misc. stuff. I was able to mount my blade fuse conversion.
I will snap a better pic when I get a chance.