Only go after early # sandcasts if you are looking to do a concourse restoration. The last 3000 sandcasts have more in common with 69 and 70 diecasts than they do with earlier sandcasts. There are alot of # to # differences with the first few 750s. Ko technically means a few bikes in the mid 40,000. I and many other people use KO to identfy the first 40,000 plus 750s. Technically wrong, but now accepted. Early 69s had unique gas tanks ,carburators, choke levers,seats,horn mountings, oil filter covers etc... Try finding the crappy original 28 stamped carbs or the smoothe oil filters. The first 3000 750s had many changes compared to the later ones. I ride my sandcast, but forget about them if all you want is a rider. Just my opinion, Eli