Heh..when I saw "engine seized/ no plugs" I thought it would be a serious work out, then I went back and read the whole post again, I'm not sure it's even a decent parts bike. Forks are junk, no key, plugs were out (for the whole 10 yrs?) so the top is probably solid rust, water could leak down past the rings, bottom end could be junk too. Wheels might clean up but rusty spokes ...how rusty? some rust brushes right off, but if they're pitted, it could be risky if not dangerous. On the other hand, a titled frame can be valuable..is it titled? even with a title, I'd probably walk..$50 maybe, $100 if you want it really bad...sounds like a lotta work for a few parts, but no title and the manufacture plate gone... is the license plate there?, might actually be a problem best avoided.