You'll have to get your ass off the couch one year and come down.
Ha ha, thanks mate, but I was there, I rode my Triumph Rocket III down on the Sunday and had a great day. Yep, it would have been good to catch up, for sure, let me know when you're going again? This was one of my favorite pics from the classic:

The question about the pistons (yeah, I knew they were 4 valve engines) was to elicit some more info about how you modded the valve pockets for the CB750's skewed valve arrangement, care to elaborate mate? Cheers, Terry.

Sammy, I'm glad you said that you "prefer" hot women, because of course in truth, you haven't had "relations" with a woman (hot, cold, or otherwise)since the blitz. I heard that you've been prescribed Viagra, but only to stop you from rolling out of bed? Ha ha, have a good one, you old Pommy baastard!