Yeah eideteker, I'm gonna hang the fogger next to my computer as an reminder for those late night eBay purchases.

I had somebody with a 500 ask about these things via eBay and I said they were ok. Hope I didn't mislead anybody

I will shamefully admit this shock failed once before and I collected the pieces off the side of the road, checked everything over and put it back together. It looked as if the rod had only been threaded in part of the way, so I checked the other side and sure enough it was also loose. I tightend everything up and put the shocks back on the bike. This time Mark and I were out for a ride, and neither of us noticed the sh!t had come appart. The spring is sitting in a ditch somewhere.

In a battle between the steel piston rod and the silly putty/aluminum threads the divorce was fast and final:

The steel rod is unharmed:

And the "disassembled" unit: