When I got it, not so good. It was really hard to start, and you had to pull the choke all the way, then finesse it until it warmed up, then it would die when you tried to let out the clutch . The PO said he tuned it up etc..... So of course the first thing I did was work from the front of the bike, to the rear checking, cleaning then testing the electrical, fuel and so on. It had a tough time maintaining a consistent idle. I then went through the fuel system, replaced fuel line to carbs, and finally rebuilt the carbs/rack system. I also found the plugs were gapped improperly, timing points were off. Set the points up, valve adjustment. After doing this it now starts right up, choke on all the way for about 30 seconds, then half choke for about 1-2 minutes, then choke off ready to ride, nice idle, power. I will say that I purchased a new motion carb sync tool (non mercury). Didn't work. Connected as per instructions, cranked starter, and fluid raced up and was heading into the tubes towards the carbs. Shut off just in time. Did this 3 times, and I didn't wast to use it anymore for fear that the fluid would get sucked into the engine. Read some posts here and several people have had the same problem. Next purchase is a morgan carb tune kit.