I seriously considered eliminating the steel pipe when HELUSA made my lines for me a couple of months ago. As much as I wanted as much of the new, smokey/clear finished, braided line as possible, I ended up staying with the pipe next to the wheel. I did that for a couple of reasons, the main one being, that is the way the system was originally designed. Somehow it just makes more sense to me that the part of the entire brake line that flexes the most is set back behind the fender, if you know what I mean. I like it that, from the fender forward, the whole works turns with the wheel as one (more or less) rigid unit.
(As a probably worthless aside, I will say I'm pleased with the finish I chose. The smokey/clear is dark enough to maintain the idea (at least) of the original line, but yet it plainly reads as braided stainless. It's flashy but in an understated way .....)