I have never had an easy-out work. The three times I've used one, I've had to deal with getting the broken easy-out, out. One time was on a broken GS750 exhaust stud. No tension on that either, but the easy out ruined it, and I had the bolt drilled perfectly. My preferred method is 1/8" or so mild steel strap about a foot long, with a hole drilled in it about the size of the stud. Hold it over the stud and mig weld a bead around the inside of the hole. Then twist the piece of strap to loosen the broken stud. If you need clearance after this you can bend the strap or cut it off and twist the stud out with pliers. Friends have tried welding nuts to studs, but they always break. This has worked the few times I've been unfortunate enough to have to do it. Jim