Looking at the color diagram from this website i have a couple of questions:
1a. It appears that the hot lead comes from the battery, splits to the solenoid ("starter magnetic switch?") and then joins to a split to the rectifier and the CENTER fuse, is that correct? 1b. What value is that fuse intended to be?
2a. It then appears to leave the fuse and goes directly to the ignition switch? 2b. Does the top block in the diagram represent the lugs and the lower two represent the "on" position and then the "park light" position?
If i read this right, my voltage drop is most likely prior to the ignition switch since all the voltages at all the connections we tested at 10.5V come after that. That means it looks like i have 4 connections (like bullet connections?) and one plug connector to check before/to the fuse and then there's just a single run from the fuse to a connector and then down the line to the switch connector.
Am i reading this thing correctly?
BTW, what order do the values go in? Right now left to right i have 5A, 7A, 15A.