when i let go of the throttle, it idles, but i can take my hand and turn the throttle slightly forwward a ways, and the idle goes down.
but when i look at the sides, thaey dont seem to be ,moving at akll...
im stumped...
Your cables are not adjusted quite right. IMO. The A cable (pull to open) should be adjusted so that the full range of carb slide movement is attained by leting go of the throttle and letting the return spring do its thing. Lowest idle to wide open.
The B cable (pull to close) is just along for the ride as a safety should the return spring fail to overcome the A cable. If the carb slides are not hitting rock bottom with the A cable relaxed, then turning the throttle backwards activating the B cable will pull them a tiny bit more closed, and it may not be perceptible.
A bad job of synchronization can result in the slides not hitting rock bottom and then you can do what you describe. Rock bottom may not be the same for each slide. One slide should be at rock bottom and you sink to that.
Others here are more expert at sinking than I am and I defer.