Author Topic: World's Dumbest Motorcylist - I'm not worthy of my bike!!! ( Free Bike possibly)  (Read 5075 times)

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Offline bluezboy

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 Great observation and so true, we all need to be more self reliant. Now I am very handy around the house at least, I fix whatever needs around our house, dad must be proud of me, and I got so good at it that I also do it profit. Hopefully I'll acquire some mechanical skills down the road so I'll be able to self-diagnose and rememdy all of my bike woes. until then, I need all of you to hold my hand!

Definitely not the dumbest thing I've done or heard people do. Perhaps you were right to err on the side of caution, as I would have.
But you know, I think this is symptomatic of the society we now live in; we are instructed and warned and informed in almost every activity we carry out daily (WARNING: Do not hold this knife by the metallic end! Is just one example.) So when we encounter a problem and do not have the instruction manual to hand we immediately expect the worst, and deny ourselves the incentive of trying to figure it out. So we call in the experts.......they know how to do it.
Happened to me recently; My workshop/shed has been having a problem with the lights all summer; slam the door and they would go off, slam it again and hey presto back they come! I didn't dare go anywhere near the junction box or switch. In the end they just stayed off, so I called an electrician Friend of mine to check it out. He had to travel 20 miles to my place on a week end so he missed out on a couple of hours quality time with his young family. He whipped out his screw driver opened the switch cover and abracadabra!!...........loose wire! Tightened the screw and whaddya know? It's worked perfectly ever since.

10 years ago I would have opened the switch myself and done it myself there and then. But now?? No way.......leave it to the guys that know.

Sad isn't it.

Offline bluezboy

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I got ya for runner up if you check my build thread there's a vid of me starting it up....  I crank on it for a min nothing happens then the camera moves a second and the bike fires right up first try..... My dumb ass forgot to turn the ignition to RUN.....

 Haha and you're only 29!  I feel much better, thank you.

Offline bluezboy

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I ran out of gas in 75mph rush hour traffic. I'm sitting on the side of the road with a 4-foot berm, against a concrete barrier for 15 minutes with semis and SUVs whooshing past me, waiting to push my bike through a gap in traffic (yeah, right).

This is dumb because i'd run out of gas the previous 2 tanks in the same way: I have a reserve setting, and it works...when I remember to use I remembered about 15 minutes later.

 Man, now that was freaking scary! I have a fear of going that fast and having it shut down on me in just that situation. Fill 'er up, right?!

Offline bluezboy

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+1 on the 100 mile refill. I too have never gotten reserve to work properly. Most likely goodads in the tank bottom. It'll run fine if I switch to reserve before it runs out on main...go on till it's rock dry. But if I let it splutter out of fuel on main - I just can't get the F+++ker to fire up on more than 2 cylinders. Happened to me 2 days ago and I did it intentionally. Thought I had it licked. Cleaned my tank weeks ago, cleaned my carbs last week and my petcock - yes I had sediment in all the above. So went for a rap of about 50 miles till it ran out on main, spluttered and I quickly switched to reserve. It started pouring with rain at that moment and a huge gust of wind lifted me a foot closer to the tulips. Stopped under a shelter and changed my shorts. Pulled all the plugs = all good. Cranked, cranked - no way. Shook the tank and leaned it over so that main pipe got more flow - and it fired on maybe 3 cylinders. rode it home - it went to 2 cyclinders and plonked out twice. So managed the 8km home in pouring rain on the verge with my indicator going and cars roaring past me at 60mph not giving a hoot about my life expectancy. Got it home and gave it a good talking to. Put 2 litres of fuel in and it roured on all 4 again!
I think I'll re-route the fuel line to 1-2 - it seems to be about 20mm too long and runs maybe slightly uphill.

 Okay, so I guess I can keep my bike a little while longer, I  swore I was the only one that silly.

Offline cameron

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When I first got my latest bike, 9 years ago, the plastic tube was broken on the petcock.. which meant that 'ON' and "reserve' were at the same level in the tank.

It took me a while to figure that out.

I joined the fillup at 100-miles club shortly thereafter. .. and only just recently found a NOS petcock and replaced that thing.
1976 CB550F

Offline fmctm1sw

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Been there done that.  Sat on the side of the road thinking I was out of gas when I moved the petcock to the "off" position instead of reserve.  Had the plugs out and everything.  Then I ran out of gas one day coming on to the base.  Sputtered to a halt right next to the guardshack in the middle of morning traffic...   Embarrassing..
Quote from: 754
Dude is that a tire ? or an O-ring..??

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This is not a pod thread
This is not a #$%* on my vacuum gauges thread
This is a help or GTFO thread.

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Offline bluezboy

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Guys, your stories are cracking me up! Please keep them coming!

Offline 1974CB750rider

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My 74 is picky about reserve as well. When my bike starts running out on main and I switch to reserve but it takes about 20seconds or so for the bike to pick back up on all 4. My fuel petcock is on the right instead of the left. Most other 750s I've seen have it on the left. As far as world dumbest goes my buddy is right there with you. This was years ago back in the 70s when got his 73Z1 900. He still has it today, but anyway he told me he ran out of gas and pushed it about 3 miles to a gas station not knowing he had reserve. We have all done stupid stuff and we'll probably all do it again at some point LOL.
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Offline Popwood

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I think you have to make the "empty" tank mistake at least once, of not more, to automatically check if you shut down while riding. When it's happened to me in the past, largely for lack of experience, your brain panics and logic is left behind. It's especially true with a bike that's new to you because you don't know what to expect and default to expecting the worst. In fact, you should always consider the obvious first and always consider "operator error."

Maybe I'm lucky, but in the four years I've been back riding regularly and with two '75 bikes, neither has ever let me down and stranded by the side of the road. But I always carry my cell phone!
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Offline P_Camps

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I was riding home today doing about 85mph and I had to do a 'switch to reserve' on the fly whilst only dropping to 60 mph.... lol twas scary shiat.
1978 CB550

Offline dhall57

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This wasn't my fault, but it is another run out of gas story. It was several years ago and I had just picked my HD Wide Glide from the shop. Running down the interstate at 70mph in 5:00 traffic heading home when all of a sudden it started missing and skipping so I reached down to flip it to reserve and to my shock it was already on reserve. Oh s--t!!! I yelled out. My mechanic had test drove my bike after doing repairs and had to switch to reserve while riding and had forgot to tell me when I picked up the bike. With a friend like that who needs a enemy. By the way this was before I got my CB750.
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Offline swellguy

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Re: World's Dumbest Motorcylist - I'm not worthy of my bike!!! ( Free Bike possi
« Reply #36 on: September 13, 2010, 09:25:28 PM »
I think if you are handy with or do anything yourself with your bike, you have a tendency to to over think the problem. As an example, on one my bikes the taillight failed to light when the foot brake pedal was pressed. I sent several hours checking the brake plight switch, the wiring, the ground, the fuses . . . until someone suggested the bulb might be burnt out, which it was.
This project started in confusion and will end in disarray.

Offline mick750F

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  bluezboy...We all have our moments. Get back on that thing and ride it! Ride it like it's meant to be ridden...hard and honest. The more you use it the better you know it.

Glosta, MA
It's not the's the humanity.

Offline scottly

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My dad's '59 VW Bus had no gas gauge; just a reserve knob that I learned to pull as soon as the motor hiccuped. More than once, I left it on reserve, without telling him, and he ran out of gas on the way to work. He would reach down to yank out the knob, only to find it had already been switched to reserve. God, I was a sh*thead... :-[  
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Offline CBGhia

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I was chasing a buddy and doing a pretty good clip (close to the ton) and I ran out.  At close to 100, you don't have much time to switch it to reserve.  By the time the gas was flowing again, I was on the side of the road.  :o   

Next time I will pay better attention to the miles.  ;)
CB550 Cafe, GL1000, Buell Ulysses
if you dont trial spin the camshaft in the head and cover you are a novice,with no natural mechanical appitude,destined for destruction.
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Offline faux fiddy

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But you know, I think this is symptomatic of the society we now live in; we are instructed and warned and informed in almost every activity we carry out daily (WARNING: Do not hold this knife by the metallic end! Is just one example.) So when we encounter a problem and do not have the instruction manual to hand we immediately expect the worst, and deny ourselves the incentive of trying to figure it out. So we call in the experts.......they know how to do it.

Not sure it was here ornot but somewhere I saw a signature line to the effect:

As technology continues to make machines more idiot proof, the world will perpetually come up with a more advanced idiot.
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 ' VVVVV'   ')))))____>-''''''''''''''''''\  l
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Offline bluezboy

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My 74 is picky about reserve as well. When my bike starts running out on main and I switch to reserve but it takes about 20seconds or so for the bike to pick back up on all 4. My fuel petcock is on the right instead of the left. Most other 750s I've seen have it on the left. As far as world dumbest goes my buddy is right there with you. This was years ago back in the 70s when got his 73Z1 900. He still has it today, but anyway he told me he ran out of gas and pushed it about 3 miles to a gas station not knowing he had reserve. We have all done stupid stuff and we'll probably all do it again at some point LOL.

 Yikes 3 miles is a damn long way to push my heavy ass 750, I'm good for about 50 yards before I drop with a hear attack.  My misery loves company.

Offline bluezboy

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I was riding home today doing about 85mph and I had to do a 'switch to reserve' on the fly whilst only dropping to 60 mph.... lol twas scary shiat.

 Repeat after me, "I am a bad ass!" I know I could make that maneuver at that speed

Offline bluezboy

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  bluezboy...We all have our moments. Get back on that thing and ride it! Ride it like it's meant to be ridden...hard and honest. The more you use it the better you know it.


 Oh trust me Mick, I'm riding my girl hard and as much as I can, unlike my wife.

Offline zanorak

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Re: World's Dumbest Motorcylist - I'm not worthy of my bike!!! ( Free Bike possi
« Reply #44 on: September 14, 2010, 05:59:38 PM »
WHOA! Wait -  go back - there's supposed to be a TUBE on top of the petcock? I guess I don't have reserve then!!!

Offline nancy

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  • No worries matey..
Sure is on my 750. Brass tube about 2" high. That's all that makes the diff between main and reserve. The fuel dips below the spout..and it's out.

Offline zanorak

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Re: World's Dumbest Motorcylist - I'm not worthy of my bike!!! ( Free Bike possi
« Reply #46 on: September 14, 2010, 06:14:50 PM »
Hmmm that Archimedes was a clever guy! I didn't know he worked for Honda...

Offline 1974CB750rider

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My 74 is picky about reserve as well. When my bike starts running out on main and I switch to reserve but it takes about 20seconds or so for the bike to pick back up on all 4. My fuel petcock is on the right instead of the left. Most other 750s I've seen have it on the left. As far as world dumbest goes my buddy is right there with you. This was years ago back in the 70s when got his 73Z1 900. He still has it today, but anyway he told me he ran out of gas and pushed it about 3 miles to a gas station not knowing he had reserve. We have all done stupid stuff and we'll probably all do it again at some point LOL.

 Yikes 3 miles is a damn long way to push my heavy ass 750, I'm good for about 50 yards before I drop with a hear attack.  My misery loves company.
Keep in mind this was the mid 70's and he was alot younger then LOL
People with closed minds cannot learn new things.

Offline Old75_ratafe

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Re: World's Dumbest Motorcylist - I'm not worthy of my bike!!! ( Free Bike possi
« Reply #48 on: September 14, 2010, 08:32:19 PM »
WHOA! Wait -  go back - there's supposed to be a TUBE on top of the petcock? I guess I don't have reserve then!!!

Mines plastic
1975 CB750K
Project Back in Black

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Re: World's Dumbest Motorcylist - I'm not worthy of my bike!!! ( Free Bike possi
« Reply #49 on: September 15, 2010, 12:27:10 AM »
Hmmm that Archimedes was a clever guy! I didn't know he worked for Honda...

They (Honda) did offer him a position........but the bathing facilities just weren't up to scratch. :D :D